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Victoria. Line Engraved
Victoria. Embossed Issues
Victoria. 1855-83 Surface Printed
Victoria. High Values
Victoria. Postal Stationery
Victoria. Covers / Postal History / Postmarks
Edward VII Covers
Edward VII. Postal Stationery
Edward VII. Postal History / Postmarks
George V. Seahorse High Values
George V. Commemoratives
George V. Covers
George V. Postal Stationery
George V. Postal History / Postmarks
Edward VIII. Definitives
Edward VIII. Covers
George VI. 1950-52 "New Colours". SG 503-508
George VI. 1939-48 "Arms" High Values. SG 476-478c
George VI. 1951 "Festival" High Values. SG 509-512
George VI. Booklet Panes
George VI. Covers
George VI. Postal Stationery
George VI. Postal History / Postmarks
George VI. Miscellaneous / Social History
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Victoria. Line Engraved
Victoria. Embossed Issues
Victoria. 1855-83 Surface Printed
Victoria. High Values
Victoria. Departmental Officials
Victoria. Telegraph Stamps
Victoria. Postal Stationery
Victoria. Covers / Postal History / Postmarks
Victoria. Miscellaneous / Social History
Edward VII. De La Rue Issues 1902-1910. P14. SG 215-259
Edward VII. De La High Values. SG 260-266
Edward VII. Harrison Issues 1911. P14. SG 267-278
Edward VII. Harrison Issues 1911. P15x14. SG 279-286
Edward VII. Somerset House Issues 1911-1913. P.14. SG 287-314
Edward VII. Somerset House High Values. SG 315-320
Edward VII. Departmental Officials
Edward VII Covers
Edward VII. Postal Stationery
Edward VII. Postal History / Postmarks
Edward VII. Miscellaneous / Social History
George V. Downey Head Issues.. SG 321-350
George V. Profile Head. 1912-24 Royal Cypher Wmk. SG 351-396
George V. Profile Head, 1924-26 Block Cypher Wmk. SG 418-429
George V. Photgravure. 1934 -36. SG 439-449
George V. Seahorse High Values
George V. Commemoratives
George V. Covers
George V. Postal Stationery
George V. Postal History / Postmarks
George V. Miscellaneous / Social History
Edward VIII. Definitives
Edward VIII. Covers
Edward VIII. Covers / Postal History / Postmarks
Edward VIII. Miscellaneous / Social Historyt
George VI. 1937-47 "Dark Colours". SG 462-465
George VI. 1941-42 "Light Colours". SG 485-490
George VI. 1950-52 "New Colours". SG 503-508
George VI. 1939-48 "Arms" High Values. SG 476-478c
George VI. 1951 "Festival" High Values. SG 509-512
George VI. Booklet Panes
George VI. Commemoratives
George VI. Covers
George VI. Postal Stationery
George VI. Postal History / Postmarks
George VI. Miscellaneous / Social History
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Contact details
Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist)
6 Hough Green
Email: ian.lasoksmith@gmail.com
I endeavour to reply to all email enquiries within 48 hours.
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